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Journal Articles

Bonner, S. and Seglem, R. (2016). "It just gives you another look on things”: Using adolescent literature to construct inquiry and deconstruct social

stereotyping," Middle Grades Review: Vol. 1 : Issue. 3 , Article 5. Available at:


Seglem, R. and Bonner, S. (2016). Disrupting complacency: Helping students find their voices through inquiry, literature, and technology. Middle School Journal, 47:5, 21-29, DOI: 10.1080/00940771.2016.1226642


Seglem, R., VanSant, M, & Bonner, S. (2017). Looking back to look forward: The transformative power of ongoing, collaborative, teacher-driven professional development. Voices from the Middle, Vol. 25, No. 1, September 2017.


Seglem, R., Bonner, S. & Hays, K. (2018). “Who you gonna be? Designing novel lessons that matter to students.” Voices in the Middle, Vol. 26, No. 2, December 2018.

Bonner, S. (2022). Taking skills to the next level: Infusing language arts with community action. Voices from the Middle

Bonner, S. (2022, December). Taking skills to the next level: Infusing language arts with community action. Voices from the Middle


Bonner, S. (2023, March). I design challenging learning experiences for my students because they deserve more: Exploring intellect in the ELA middle school classroom. Voices from the Middle


Bonner, S. (2023, May). If you’re willing to protest, then you’re willing to take action: Using protest art as a critical lens into contemporary issues. Voices from the Middle. 


Bonner, S. (2023, September). Let go and become a learner alongside them: Infusing inquiry practices in the middle grades ELA classroom. Voices from the Middle. 


Bonner, S. (2023, December). Experts helped my students see that there were real people, real families, and real stories: Creating a culture of networking in the ELA classroom. Voices from the Middle


Bonner, S. (2024, March). “The laughter, the tears, the gasps from the audience that evening will continue to live in my brain rent-free for the rest of my life”: The power of student imagination in the ELA classroom. Voices from the Middle. (in press.)

Bonner, S. (2024, May). “We each saw what school COULD be for the very first time.” Building a culture of advocacy and action in the ELA classroom. Voices from the Middle. (in press). 

Book Chapters

Bonner, S., Seglem, R., & Garcia, A (2018). Creating wobble in a world of spin: Positioning students to challenge media poses. In Critical Media Literacy and Fake News in Post-Truth America. 

Bonner, S. (2019). “The classroom that inquiry built: Using inquiry and genius hour to support writer agency and strengthen student voice.” NCTE Principles in Practice. 

Gierhart, A., Bonner, S., Smith, A., & Seglem, R. (2019). “Fostering cosmopolitan dispositions through collaborative classroom activities: Ethical digital engagement of K-12 learners" Ethical dimensions of teaching digital literacy.

Bonner, S., Seglem, R. & Miller, K. (2024). “You’re letting the kids really go there”: Instructional practices of novice ELA teachers 

mentored by experienced and innovative educators. Teacher civic literacy learning. National Council of Teachers of English. Chapter in preparation.


Seglem, R. & Bonner, S. (2022). Igniting social action in the ELA classroom: Inquiry as disruption. New York: Teachers College Press.

Seglem, R. & Bonner, S. (2024). Design pedagogy (working title). New York: Teachers College Press. (in development)

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